Sugar-Free Peanut Butter and Your Dog

We all love to let our dogs lick the spoon or knife if we have made a PB& J,  peanut butter cookies or just had a spoonful for ourselves (you can tell I love peanut butter myself).  It is helpful if you have to give your dog medication or when you are trying to train them and  it is safe in moderation.  Recently, a few companies have started adding Xylitol as a sugar substitute and this is EXTREMELY TOXIC for your dogs!!!! You will notice Xylitol is in sugar-free gums and other candies and foods. Unfortunately,  dogs can’t metabolize it well and it takes a VERY SMALL amount to cause serious medication issues.   I don’t want to scare you away from peanut butter for your dogs, but READ the label first and make sure it hasn’t been added in to your favorite peanut butter brand!! Most of the more common peanut butter brands don’t contain Xylitol, but it is always a good idea to take a quick peak at the label.