Pack Mentality – Adding a new dog to your pack

Having a dog in your life is one of the greatest joys for dog people. You always know they are there waiting for you at home, they have heaps of unconditional love and joy just by being in your presence. And generally, adding a second dog to your family pack makes life even better! Here are some benefits of living in a multi-dog household.

Benefits of Adding a New Dog to your Home

Dogs Learn from Each Other

It has been shown in studies that puppies learn basic commands, potty training, and dog etiquette much faster if they are able to learn from an older dog. You can see a pretty cool example of a puppy learning that stairs are safe from it’s older companion below:

Living with Multiple Pets may Reduce Allergies

According to “Pets are great for kids in so many ways, and as the National Institutes of Health states, children raised in multi-pet households are less likely to develop allergic conditions. As reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, kids living with more than one cat or dog are at reduced risk for hypersensitivities to common allergens, such as animals, grass, ragweed and dust mites.”

Dogs Entertain Each Other

Much like how the imagination of two children is infinitely more entertaining than a kid playing alone, dogs can entertain each other during the day as well. They always have a companion to play with when you’re out and about, and can get way more exercise than if they were alone and lazed about all day.

Some Things to Consider When Adding a New Dog to your Home

Alright! You’re thinking that a new dog is right for you and your current dog! Don’t rush out to the shelter before you read this next section (but please do after, shelter dogs are awesome!). Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing your new dog.

Dog Compatibility

Not every dog will be friends right away. Some dogs are solitary souls, and may not want some young upstart in their space. If your dog has been properly socialized and hasn’t shown any signs of aggression towards other dogs on walks, in parks, or on play dates, keep reading. If they have shown signs of leash reactivity, have had previous spats with other dogs, consider finding a local dog training class (we prefer positive reinforcement training) and make sure your dog is okay with other dogs before considering bringing another dog into the home.

Dog Introductions

Doing a proper introduction between the dog you bring home and your current dog is not only polite, but can help ease stress and negate some of the negative possibilities of bringing a new dog into the home. You wouldn’t want to come home one day to find a new stranger living in your house, eating your food and leaving their weird smell on everything, and your dog doesn’t want this either.

Introduce the dogs on neutral territory – say a nearby dog park. Bring a friend and keep both dogs leashed. Stay in wide open areas – try to not to let the dogs get boxed in in entry ways or corners. Check out this article from the Humane Society that gives a great list of ways to introduce your dogs in different environments.

Keeping Two Dogs Busy

Large breeds need a job and constant stimulation. Even small dogs benefit immensely from a good romp around the wilderness. Tuckered out dogs are happier, healthier, and tend to have less behavioral problems (most people report that a routine exercise schedule cuts back on destructive chewing, jumping, and scratching). Trying to tire out one dog is a big job for anyone, especially if they need to work or attend school during the day. Getting multiple dogs enough stimulation is almost impossible unless you keep a daily running regimen (sometimes multiple times a day!).

Just for you, we have expanded our dog hiking offerings to include multiple dog packages. Your dogs can stay together, and get out of the house for a few hours.

At Off Road Paws, we are well experienced in making sure your dog comes home tired, happy, and ready for cuddles. You don’t need to worry about your dog’s sensitive pads on hot concrete in the summer – we always go off road. Mountains, creeks, snow, sun; Your dogs will enjoy the natural scents and sights of Colorado, and you’ll enjoy a happier pup. All options can be tailored to individual pet(s) needs. 2 hour minimum including travel. Contact Us today to book your dog’s group hike!